September 16, 2019

New QCAA Standards and Cognitive Verbs Available on Eduplanet21’s Curriculum Platform

Eduplanet21, a leading provider of Curriculum Design and Professional Learning software, announced its addition of the Queensland QCAA Standards and Cognitive Verbs to its Curriculum Design Platform. 


With Eduplanet21’s Integrated Curriculum Platform, educators in Queensland will now be able to access these standards and verbs to easily align to assessments and learning activities, analyse curriculum to view gaps and redundancies, and visualise alignment from primary through secondary to ensure students are setup to achieve their targeted learning outcomes. 


Unit Planner, Eduplanet21’s efficient planning tool based on the Understanding by Design® framework, guides teachers and administrators through a backward design process for unpacking complex state curriculum documents into viable units for student success. Educators can design units that code and align essential questions, transfer goals, knowledge, and skills with performance tasks and learning activities. They can also share units in a common, collaborative framework utilising the embedded template. 


Along with a guided framework, you can align curriculum to state and national content descriptors and standards as well as other outcomes and analyse curriculum documents to identify gaps, redundancies, and inconsistencies across subjects, grades, and schools. With the ability to map curriculum to show vertical and horiontal alignment, educators can ensure a “guaranteed and viable curriculum.”


Learn more about the Eduplanet21 Curriculum Platform and how to gain access to the QCAA Standards and Cognitive Verbs.