June 16, 2020

Intellectual Preparation at William Rowen Elementary School

Dr. James Murray, Principal of Rowen Elementary School in the School District of Philadelphia shares their approach to learning, including:

  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Intellectual preparation
  • How UbD supports their work



About Dr. Murray:


As principal, Dr. James Murray develops, articulates, implements, and stewards their mission, vision, and curricular philosophy for teaching and learning around personalized student success. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational Technology from Walden University, and a Bachelor and Master degree from the University of Maryland and Cairn University respectively. His research interests include ancient languages, systematic theology, learning theory, and virtual learning environments.


About William Rowen Elementary School:


William Rowen School exists to create a responsive school environment that inspires students to pursue their dreams and motivates them to acquire essential skills, knowledge and enduring understandings. We encourage a collaborative approach that holds teachers, parents, and students accountable for themselves and their community. We promote an inquiry-based curriculum that fosters a love and passion of lifelong learning. This passion for lifelong learning is summed up by the words of John Dewey, which are inscribed on our building: “Education is not a mere means to life. Education is life.”

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