August 17, 2020

New Learning Path: Leading Schools with Habits of Mind in Mind

Art Costa and Bena Kallick, well known co-authors of the seminal work of Habits of Mind are focused on leadership.  They promote the idea that leadership is not necessarily positional.  Rather, it is the activities that leaders DO that transforms communication, problem solving, and agility in the organization. In their on-line learning path with Eduplanet 21, they interview superintendents, school -based administrators, teachers and students demonstrate the powerful activities of leadership through the lens of the Habits of Mind. 


Their new e-book, Leading Learning Organizations with Habits of Mind, make a perfect combination for a leadership study team. Join Art for an Eduplanet21 10MinuteTuesday as he shares how anyone can lead with Habits of Mind in their classroom, school or district

In addition, Bena and Art have added a new Learning Path called Leading with Habits of Mind in Mind to the Eduplanet21 Habits of Mind Institute. If you are a current customer, you have access to this Learning Path when activating the Habits of Mind Institute in your organization. If you are not a current customer and would like to learn more about the Habits of Mind Institute – now with 11 titles and a robust library – please click here.


To purchase the Leading with Habits of Mind in Mind Learning Path individual title in our marketplace, click here.