October 8, 2020

Eduplanet21 Announces New Free Subscription Plan for Educators

Lesson Planner Officially Releases Soon! Fill in the form to pre-register!

Earlier this summer, Eduplanet21 released an announcement about their new software module for educators, “Lesson Planner”.  Development on the product was expedited due to the impacts of COVID-19 in an effort to support schools and districts with necessary changes to their curriculum. Lesson Planner allows teachers to quickly and easily create and modify their instructional plans and methods of delivery based on their current schooling environment.
As reviews of the new product have come back overwhelmingly positive from current customers, the company is announcing a new, free subscription plan for individuals and groups being released this fall. Educators all over the world will be able to use Lesson Planner free of charge, and experience the power of Eduplanet21’s Institute Builder through access to the new Lesson Planning Institute. An Eduplanet21 ‘Institute’ is a collaborative professional learning environment containing a collection of self-paced Learning Paths and other digital resources. The Lesson Planning Institute provides tips and tricks for using Lesson Planner and helpful resources for effective lesson planning.

“We’ve had many conversations with our customers and friends in the industry over the past 7 months about the ongoing changes to their curriculum and lesson plans. Educators are continuing to do everything they can to give students the best learning experience, and we want to help.” said CEO of Eduplanet21, Jeff Colosimo. 


“This new free offering will give users a streamlined process and location to make necessary changes and provide fantastic resources to assist teachers and leaders, all free of charge.”


Effective lesson planning and curriculum design is crucial for schools and districts around the country. Lessons being delivered in the classroom need to closely align with the school or district’s goals, as well as state and national standards. Eduplanet21 is committed to providing teachers and leaders the necessary tools to design a curriculum that will enhance student achievement during this unprecedented time.