The Eduplanet21 team has been hard at work getting our newest module, Course Planner, ready for release. We are ready for the big reveal and wanted to offer our current and future customers a "Sneak Peek" into how it looks and functions!
In this webinar, we will provide an overview of Course Planner, including:
- What a Curriculum Blueprint, powered by Course Planner is;
- How a Course is developed;
- How a Course is connected to Units; and
- How you can easily share your Curriculum Blueprint with your community.
Course Planner is a new Curriculum Mapping module, that can be utilized with or without Unit Planner. If the information shared in the webinar is of interest, a member of our team will be delighted to schedule a time for a deeper dive into the platform specifically for your school.
Join us for one of the webinars to engage with the Eduplanet21 team and see what we are so excited about!
Introduction for Current Customers
Please sign up for one of these sessions if you are currently partnering with Eduplanet21.

Overview for Future Customers
Please sign up for one of these sessions if you are not currently partnering with Eduplanet21.