October 13, 2021

Eduplanet21 Fall PLUS Author Huddles

Eduplanet21 is excited to announce "PLUS Author Huddles" - small group, interactive sessions with our experts.

Participants will access breakout rooms with a PLUS Author for a 15-minute “Huddle.” The author will share the top trends they are currently seeing in their work with K12 educators, how their Institute content supports schools and districts with curriculum and professional learning, and open Q&A. Participants will have the opportunity to join different authors in a breakout room for up to three 15-minute sessions. Participants can also opt to join Eduplanet21 for a product demonstration.


Space is limited to allow for participant interaction with the authors, and these sessions will be available "live" only.


Friday, October 29, 2021 - 12 Noon Eastern


  • Bena Kallick & Art Costa (Habits of Mind)
  • Mike Anderson (Student Motivation)
  • JT Taylor (Equity & Inclusion)
Register for the 10/29 Huddle!


Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 3 pm Eastern


  • Jay McTighe (Undertsanding by Design)
  • Carol Tomlinson (Differentiation)
  • Krista Leh (Social Emotional Learning)

Register for the 11/17 Huddle!


If you have any questions, please contact Clare at marketing@eduplanet21.com. Look for more dates, times, and authors to come in the future!