March 31, 2023

Transition to Transparency

On Friday, March 24th the team at Livingston Public Schools talked about why and how they are transitioning to a public-facing curriculum. Participants received an insider's look at:

  • Their decision-making process.
  • The phases of their rollout plan.
  • Where they are in that rollout process. 
  • How they are ensuring K12 coherence.
  • Challenges they have faced along the way.

Attendees walked away ready to think about their own curriculum, and how they can take it to the next level. 


While originally scheduled as an in-person Lunch & Learn, we added a webinar option and were able to record it. The resources shared during the session are below.


If you are interested in speaking with Eduplanet21 about how we can help you transition to a transparent curriculum, please contact us!



