February 2, 2022

Webinar: Creating a Curriculum Leadership Team


Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Time: 4 pm Eastern


In this webinar, the South Western School District Curriculum Leadership Team, led by Dr. Rob Freil, will share their story of designing and implementing a Curriculum Leadership Team.


Join us to learn:

- More about the South Western School District;
- Things to consider when creating a curriculum leadership team;
- Why and how they build team capacity;
- Current team member activity; and
- What's next!

South Western will provide updates on their progress every two-three months following the webinar through blog posts, videos, and more.

This session will be recorded.


  • Rob Freil, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment 
  • Jana Bonds, Technology Education Teacher and Business, Family Consumer Sciences, Technology Education and World Languages curriculum liaison 
  • Mary Cook, Special Education Teacher and Mathematics curriculum liaison 
  • Amy Kauffman, Student Achievement Specialist and Social Studies curriculum liaison 
  • Danielle Looman, English Teacher and English curriculum liaison 
  • Heather Waybright, Science Teacher and Science curriculum liaison
  • Suzanne Wimsett, English Teacher and Health/PE and Fine Arts curriculum liaison