March 12, 2025

Webinar: What's New at Eduplanet21 - Spring 2025



Hello, everyone! We're going to get started here in a couple of minutes. Just going to give everybody a little bit of time to come in and get settled. Thanks for joining this afternoon. Quite a few people coming on. So again, we're just going to give a minute or two to get settled in here. Thanks for joining, if you're just jumping on.
Ready to get started? Alright, let's do it, guys!

Welcome everyone this afternoon to our latest episode of What's New at Eduplanet21. This is something that we've done over the past couple of years just to highlight any new releases or major updates to the platform. Today, we're going to be focusing on introducing our new AI-Assisted Editing which we're pretty jazzed about. Before we jump in, we're just going to do some brief introductions.
My name is Kelsey Jaskot, and I am our President here at Eduplanet21. I've been with the company for about 8 years now. I started off in a Sales role, and actually transitioned and for the past 5 or 6 years have been leading our Customer Success team. So, I've been working with many of you on the line to make sure the platform is successful at your school or your district, and now I'm taking on more of a leadership role here at Eduplanet.
I'm Jared Hoddinett,  Director of Software. So been at Eduplanet for 9 years now. I look after everything on the product side, you know, from software development to product design.
And if you can't tell by the accent, Jared's our resident Aussie here. We stole him from Brisbane, Australia, a couple of years ago. He's been here in the States with us for a while.
So let's dig into the the high level updates and why we're all here today. And guys, honestly, this is going to be a pretty quick session. If we're here 20-30 min tops, I think that's probably the most, but we do have some really exciting updates coming to Eduplanet that actually came out what, 2 weeks ago, now? It's gone pretty fast. But a few things that we want to highlight...
So one of the biggest updates that you will notice, and I'm sure many of you have already been in Eduplanet this week - we've seen a big peak of activity over the last couple of weeks here, as spring writing starts to take place - is new text editors. So throughout all of Curriculum Planner, at both the course and unit level, you will notice that those text editing sections have all been updated. They have a more modern look and feel. The rest of the platform is going to follow later this year. So we're going to talk about that in a couple of minutes. You will also see some increased formatting options as part of that update. 

I'd say most exciting, and the reason most of you are probably here today, is actually the AI-Assisted Editing piece. Now we have integrated AI into all of those text editing sections throughout Course Planner and Unit Planner. One of the things that we're going to pick on here in a little bit, but I want to just kind of highlight is that AI-Assisted Editing is not a replacement for the thought work that should be going into curriculum design, and I cannot say that enough. And as we continue to train folks on this new enhancement, and as we continue to talk about it, we're going to keep saying over and over again, it is meant to be a partner in curriculum design or an assistant is not meant to completely replace again that thought work that needs to go into intentional design. Only you know your students, not AI - so that is a big thing I just kind of want to harp on as well.

I'd say, lastly, performance enhancements. With this last release, we did do some speed upgrades. But you will see some significant gains in this area over the next month. Towards the end of March, we're going to be putting out a huge performance release that's really going to make some significant improvements with both loading units, loading courses, as well as just basic navigation throughout the platform.

So anything I missed, or you wanna add to that?
No, I think you hit everything on the head there. So yeah, just look for another release here as Kelsey said towards the end of the month with a lot more performance enhancements that are coming there.
Awesome, awesome. So before we actually dig into what it looks like in the platform, I just want to have a little bit of a conversation around the AI specifically, just to kick it off. So just, Jared, I'll I'll kind of ask you out right. How did the product team determine that this was the best next feature for for Eduplanet at this point in time?
Well, it's industry trends - every company is adding some sort of AI component to software these days. We're talking to a bunch of users and everybody's using AI in some form or another, you know, as an assistant to their daily work. I know I do, you do, everybody's using it. So we wanted to, you know, add some sort of AI to the platform to help with curriculum writing, and as you said it's not to replace the hard work, it's really as assistant or a tool, another tool in the toolbox, so to speak, just to make the process a little quicker, a little easier, and a little more frictionless.
And, like you said, it's pretty much a table stake at this point.  I mean, everybody is using AI. Many of you on the line are probably using Magic School AI or ChatGpt, I've heard Notebook LM popping up quite a good bit. So I know everybody out there is kind of playing around with this idea. But, as Jared said, the whole concept was really just to get you more functional and more efficient within the system, so that you can really drive that curriculum design forward.
Was the time of year at play at all when you made that call to push that out as the next release?
Absolutely. We know that the bulk of curriculum writing tends to happen from the April towards the end of the summer period. So we wanted to get it out ahead of that time to allow districts to sort of take a look at it, see what it is, what it's about, and how they want their district to use the tooling going forward.

I think that's a good point, too. And I want to stop on that one for a second. Many of you might be at different places with how you're using AI across your schools or districts right now, I just want you to know that this is an opt-in feature. We'll talk about that a little bit more later on, but it is not automatically turned on for you for that exact reason. If you're still in discussions or trying to figure out how you want to use AI across your school or district, we want to give you time to be able to do that as well without just flipping a switch on you. At the end here, we will talk about how you can start using that AI. It is available today. We can definitely flip that switch and get you moving pretty quickly here.

Aside from AI - talk to me about just a couple of the enhancements that have happened outside of that as part of this last release.
So, as you mentioned the the actual text editor itself has been upgraded. So we know that the existing text editor that was a little bit dated, you know.
Yeah, exactly, haha. We wanted to really improve that make it a more modern interface, add a lot more formatting options, and really allow end users to create content that looks and works for you guys as part of the curriculum design process. So tables was a big one that we hear that was a little bit funky to use previously. There's been some improvements made in that area. Copying and pasting from existing documents was another one - that's improved out of sight as well. As well as some basic, what I'd call content generation tools, or, you know, block editing. Being able to lay out content in a way that works for assessment design and activity design as well.
Yeah, I think that's probably one of the biggest things you guys might have noticed. If you've been playing around in Eduplanet this week, it's more of a block functionality, as Jared mentioned now. So what that allows us to do is actually combine different formatting options within the same section, too. So adding things like headers, a combination of headers and tables with images, laying things out a little bit differently. Some new color functionality, we've got special characters, emojis are now added in there. So there's there's quite a bit of flexibility now that you have.

So I think that being said, let's dive into it and start showing them the ropes. I think one of the lenses we want to kind of take as we dive in today is if you will be rewriting some curriculum this summer, what are some of the tools available to you to enhance that? Maybe you're writing some new courses this summer as well -  most of you on the line are current customers. We do have a few that are not so if you are thinking about potentially just getting started with Eduplanet, we'll kind of show you how this works as well.

So we're in a Grade 1 Social Studies course just to kind of play around a little bit. I think the first thing we want to just talk about is if we've already got some things in here, let's say we have a course description straight from our course catalog or program of study, but we want to change that up a little bit - what might that look like?
So, as you can see here, we have a generic sort of description there for Grade 1 Social Studies. It's probably a little bit long, a little bit verbose. What we want to do is we just want to simplify it. So we can just highlight that text there, click on simplify and it goes off and it does it's thing, as you can see there. Those of you that have used ChatGpt before, with those text editing functions - that comes out. It's made a little bit simpler, took out a few sentences there and made a little bit more concise.


So, Jared, maybe you can just hover over some of those quick actions as well, because I think, like you said, these are pretty common. But guys things like improving it, simplifying, fixing those mistakes. Those of you that are using the Curriculum Blueprint, please use that "fix any mistakes" before this goes public facing, right!? That's a really key point. Those of you that might be playing around with the concept of Curriculum Storyboarding, which we'll talk about in a second, changing that tone to make it a little bit more exciting or yeah, friendly. We can just kind of click and start to play around with some of those, and you'll see what it gives you. You know, some spunky new responses here that you can start to just craft, take what you like and ditch out what you don't like.

Exactly. Yeah. See, we added Emojis in there, and a little bit more friendly tone, rather than monotone, a bit more robust that we had in there previously.
Yup, and you guys are seeing kind of that new look and feel of the text editing section as well. So some new colors in there. And again, some of those increased formatting options with things like emojis or special characters there at the end.
I think let's take them into a storyboard and start to talk about that a little bit. I know many of you on the line have started using Curriculum Storyboards within Course Planner at this point, or maybe you're even just using kind of that grid view that we're that we're looking at right now. So what we have up on the screen is written in " In this unit students will..." And one of the big things that we focus on with Curriculum Storyboards, for example, is actually writing this in student friendly language, as if we are talking to a student.

So this is a first grade Social Studies unit, so Jared's just going to go ahead and put in a prompt. Take what's already there, and rewrite this so that a first grade student can understand it.

Same tone again that friendly tone.

And then you can see, "being a citizen means being part of a community like your home, school, or town. In this unit you will learn.." So right there, I transition from "in this unit students will" up at the top, and you can kind of compare them to "You will learn how everyone is special in their own way." So as you decide that you want to kind of, again, just make some little tweaks here and there to that curriculum that you already have in Eduplanet, this can be a really really useful tool for you to be able to play around with.
Exactly, and then you can go and edit that as much as you want, you can do it right now. Any text you want edit, tweak it to what you want and you'll be good.

Do you want to kind of highlight one of the images as well? I think we can even just do within this kind of text box just to kind of show what it looks like. Let's just say we want to add a picture of a young student in front of a courthouse. This is a unit on government. I'm just making something up here.
We can pick out what style we want it to be. So let's do like a Photo-realistic, portrait, great, and go ahead and click send.
And guys if you've used ChatGpt in the past, too, images do take a little bit longer than some of the text as it is generating. So we just ask that you kind of be patient with that part. It is pretty quick, ultimately, but takes a little bit longer than the text, right? Any specifics with images that you want to mention, too?


Then we can just, you know, sort of, you know we like that image. We can again just say, here, insert that image, and then that gets inserted into our text as well. So cool, save that. And away we go.

Cool. So I think, though, where you guys are going to start to use this, probably even more is actually within a unit. So we're actually gonna open one up here, and we're gonna talk about the assessments and the learning activities piece specifically.

But I would say, you can still be using this with your learning goals as well. If you want to take one of your standards and say, craft an understanding from this, or I know a lot of you on the line I've worked with in the past are using the Disciplinary Core Ideas from NGSS, and they're converting those into understandings and putting that into kid friendly language. Really, really great opportunity to be able to use AI to do that within the learning goals section specifically.
Yep. So say we're in a performance task. We can go and click add and we want to create a performance task on Cooperation. So we we set our title to Cooperation. Then we can just go, hey, create an AI prompt. So, write a performance task for a first grade student on cooperation
Again, we could just set that friendly tone, just to keep that coming through, click send. And then it'll go off and create that for us.

So guys, one of the things again I want to keep reinforcing. It is not a replacement, it is a thought partner. So keep that in mind. This can be a really helpful way to kind of craft a bit of a shell of a performance task for you, and start to get some of those basic points - same thing with a learning activity and again insert it. Take what you like, and get rid of what you don't like.

Exactly. We've got that back here now, so we've got our Performance Task,  "Working Together as a Team" so we could just sort, we like that title, so replace that title up there. And then again, just edit this down as to sort of what we need, but it comes through, the sections we need it kind of lays that out how we we want that to be and they could just save the changes in the way they go.

So Jared go in and edit that just for a second, because one of the things I do want to point out to you guys is when Jared was clicking on any of those lines of text, what you're noticing, go ahead and click on that for me, is that kind of blue box popping up around it. So that goes back to that whole block editor perspective. So again, the ability to have multiple kind of formatting options within the same section. And do you want to kind of play around with that a little bit? Just kind of show that block function. If you click on almost like that equal sign, that's where you can start to format, change colors of things, etc.

Yeah, so we could change the text if we wanted to move it up and down, or reorder things. If we wanted to move things around, if you want to set a background color, just to really highlight something there. We can do that as well, obviously better colors, and that can make it look a bit better. But yeah, we could make that 'change text size' there if we wanted to as well. There's, you know, quite a lot that we could do just to just in that area there. 

And guys, this works just as well from a learning activities perspective, too. So again, just to give you some ideas as to how you might want to craft some activities. Now, the one thing I do want to talk about, and you might have some additional context to add here, Jared. What you noticed as we were doing that is that it is entirely prompt-driven. I can't say that enough. It is prompt-driven. So that's how we can alleviate some of the bias that could be incorporated from outside sources. This is just our first iteration of AI. We're going to talk about where things are heading here in a few minutes. But it is entirely based on what a user inputs into that section. It's not pulling the subject area, it's not pulling the grade level,  it's not looking at other items you have throughout your unit or course, it's entirely based on what I am feeding it or what information is there.

Yeah. And we sort of took that approach because we wanted districts to decide. You know how they want the users to use the AI and that so just took a simple approach. Just whatever gets answered is what gets sent and comes back, you know, over time we'll start to introduce, you know, as an option, if you want to bring that context in know about what additional information you know, sort of the area that you're in to send. But yeah, that'll come in over time, and that'll be as an option as well, just to ensure that, you know, it's being used as the way that districts want it to be used.

I think the other point too, for those of you that are playing around with the blueprint, or are using Curriculum Storyboards - maybe you're adding some imagery into your courses. That is the one place where the AI imagery is not integrated right now. We're going to talk a little bit more in a couple of minutes about where things are heading there. And if you'd like to start using that from a storyboarding lens, that's something that's going to be coming here pretty soon.

Let's talk about where we are heading with things, I think, because I think that's a really fun conversation. Like I said, it is very simplistic. We kind of went through those basic functions of AI at this stage. You've got those quick links, those quick changes, change your tone or "shorten it", "simplify it", you know, "fix any mistakes", things of that nature. You've got those prompts that you can feed it and keep in mind, you can keep feeding it information. So if you're not getting what you like that first time around,  keep going with it.  Now, when you close out of a section it will clear that data, it's not holding that history for you, so keep that in mind, you want to kind of keep with it. If you're crafting and understanding, and it's not quite there yet, you know, just keep working with it until you get it there. It's it's definitely an iterative process.

One of the things we wanted to kind of point out as part of this, too, and like I said, we're not going to keep you too long today - is just where we're heading with the product overall. This year we are PUMPED. It is a really really exciting year here at Eduplanet, because we're getting a full facelift.

So we definitely want to talk about some further enhancements with AI. So that's going to continue growing. You want to talk about that one a little bit?
Yeah. So as Kelsey mentioned there, we've kind of taken to other areas. One example there was to generate an image for the storyboards or for a unit, so being able to do that. As I mentioned about adding context as well, so the ability, you know, for options to turn on to add context, especially in that Stage 1 area to generate an understanding so it can understand exactly where you are or what else you have in the unit. But that's sort of the general direction that we kind of had just to sort of slowly add in different pieces, just to make life easier when developing the curriculum.


Down the road, do you see the ability for folks to add in their belief statements, or portrait of a graduate, or mission and vision, and it kind of play off of those types of elements as well?

Absolutely, absolutely. So, that's the all the context that would be important in Stage 1. We'll develop that so it can be fed in as context, sort of add weight as to how much importance that should have in the content that's generated.
Yeah. So that's something I know from a Customer Success perspective that we've been hearing a lot lately is, "how can I put in my portrait of a graduate?" "I crafted these belief statements, they're on my blueprint , what can we do with those?" "How can we start to work that in?" Those are all bits and pieces that AI is going to start to pick up on and really learn your kids and what you expect at your school or your district and and start to craft even better responses. So that's gonna continue on this year.

I think outside of that one, I'm probably most excited for the updated look and feel. Eduplanet is getting a full facelift. It's going to be kind of a gradual process over the course of the year, and probably into early next year as well, but a completely new, what we call user interface or UI. What you experience when you log in, anywhere from the homeroom, down into getting into courses and units. And I'm gonna let you kind of speak to that one, too.
Yeah. With what we have now, we've got a mix of interfaces, that over time, you know, has created, I guess different generations along the way, so it's not a consistent look and feel. That's really where we're gonna go first. We're gonna start with the Homeroom - the widgets that appear for everybody will be a bit more role-centric and what makes sense to person in that a role. From an administrator point of view, they want to see a holistic view, compared to a curriculum writer who just wants to see their little area. It'll be a lot smarter, targeted, and contact sensitive to the end-user. From there, we'll sort of take that and update the analysis reports, really making those lot more user friendly and the ability to dive deeper and add more context around those.

Yeah, do a little bit more with that, I think. We might be tapping on some of your shoulders here on the line, too, just as we start to creep towards that like Jared mentioned. A big focus is going to be more personalization - the ability to take different widgets on your home screen and kind of map it out to what works well for you. Maybe you want a little bit of an overview, or you want to integrate some analysis reports right there on your home screen and get a little bit of a dashboard going. Some of you might like that blueprint look and feel a little bit more, and you want to see that more on your home screen as you start to navigate, so you'll have some additional options there with what that's going to look like. But, as Jared mentioned, the biggest thing, I think, is just getting consistency across the board, even down to things like the fonts that we're using. How does navigation work, you know? Is it a top bar? Is it that sidebar that you might see in Course Planner.
Just really streamlining - all of that is going to be happening over the course of the year. We're excited. That one's been prototyped, and we're  actively working on it. And that'll come out...


You'll start seeing some of those bits and pieces come out this year towards the end of summer, then yes, as Kelsey mentioned, more towards the end of the year, and then early into next year.


It'll go pretty fast and furious here. As Jared mentioned, we have moved away from the archaeic text editors, we're gonna move away from the white space and really make it something flashy and beautiful.

I'm also really excited for better performance. That is going to be a huge focus for us over the course of the year. Any of you that have been struggling with speed or load times when loading a unit or loading a list of courses or a list of units, that's actually going to really ramp up here towards the end of the month. So I'll let you kind of talk to that.


Towards the end of the month you'll see eenhancements there, definitely with loading courses and loading units and just switching between - there'll be some significant gains. We're going through those and testing at the moment, and we'll push that out towards the end of the month. And then, as the year goes on, we will add the new user interface, which just allows us to use different technologies and just improve that even more to make it, you know, a bit of a better experience for for our end users.

I think the biggest thing is right now is that it's very easy to use - we get that feedback all the time. It's a very simple interface. But we are trying our best to create all the tools possible for you, leading into summer and spring curriculum writing, to make you more efficient. Meaning faster load times,  that use of AI, some updated formatting, just speed up your process. Then, as we start to creep into the fall, winter, and and early of 2025 or I'm sorry, 26. Gosh, it is 25. You'll start to see some of those more flashy features coming along. Just to pretty things up a little bit.

Yeah, absolutely
Awesome. Alright. So we will keep up with these "What's new at Eduplanet21" webinars to keep you updated on the latest features. Our team, if they haven't already, is going to go ahead and drop in the chat window our release notes from this last release. Again, it took place 2 weeks ago. If you want some further information on what was part of this release, and any fixes that may have happened as part of this release, the release notes are a really good opportunity to do that.

We want to do is kind of dial it back, now. We really want to give you guys an opportunity to ask any questions that you might have. Now, Brittany is on the line - she's going to take herself off off mute here and be our conduit. One of the things I do want to mention to you guys is that if you are feeling anxious about this in any way, or you really want to use it, but you're not quite sure how yet, please just reach out to your Customer Success Manager and have a conversation. They're more than willing to do that. Jared's also willing to talk through that with you. Maybe you have a specific use case - but we definitely want to hear more of that feedback, too, as we as we continue on with this.

So, Britt, can you give us our first question here? We'll dive in.
Just one so far, and it's more related to the updated UI.  Will the performance enhancements make it easier for administrators to quickly see if all components of a unit are complete? What is that going to look like for an administrator when they first login?
That's great. Yeah. So that'd definitely be one of the widgets that we're going to add to the homeroom. We'll have the ability for administration to sort of define what completeness of a course or unit means, and then, based on that criteria, there'll be a little widget that'll sort of say how far along that is, but that has to be defined at the district level. So we can help and give you some guidelines as to what should be defined. But yeah, you guys will need to define what that is. And then we've got a little widget to say how far along you are.

Some of you may have used our unit status report that exists right now. Underneath Analysis and Reports, you go to curriculum, and you'd see unit status there. That kind of gives you where things are. How many standards do I have in every unit? How many understandings or essential questions? Do I have assessments? Is alignment done? You can kind of see all of that. Basically taking a version of that and making that a widget there on the homeroom. But, as Jared mentioned, one of the important pieces of that is going to be... What does complete mean to you? And every district, every school, has a different definition of that.

So that'll be big depending on what phase you are in with curriculum writing as well, because at this moment, it might just be that Stage 1 has to be complete. So you know,
even though there's still Stage 2 and Stage 3, if using UbD for example. You only want to have Stage 1 complete with, you know, like 5 standards and 5 essential questions, you know, that'd be what completion is at that point in time.

And like we said, that might mean something different to all of you. Those of you that aren't using UbD, too - I know some of you on the line aren't aren't using that framework. That's okay, too. So again, just kind of redefining 'what does that look like'? What should we see in any phase, whether that's the learning goals, assessments, or learning activities?

Awesome Britt. Any other questions that we've got?

Just one more -  "Is the AI-Assisted editing something that can be turned on just in specific sections?" So maybe the course and unit descriptions, but not the goals, for example.
Yes, yeah. So we have the ability to turn it on in every text area, everywhere, or can be fine grain down to the individual text editor. It can appear anywhere in your template. If you only wanted it in one area such as the course description, then we can do that as well. So it's completely up to you.


I was actually on on the line last night with one of my Australian schools that I work with and we were talking about the ability to be able to use that in a unit description or a course description, but they're not ready to give their teachers the ability to use that within assessments and learning activities. So we're just gonna be turning it on in a couple of little sections, and then leaving those, you know, for teachers to really start to play around with until they get the hang of things. So just just again, another opportunity to kind of customize a little bit more.

Very good. Any other questions, team?


Is there a cost associated with this feature?

No, no! At this point it is a table stake, like we said. Everybody's using AI, you know. It is part of my my daily life. I have to have it create my grocery list at this point. So no, this is definitely something that we just wanted to include again as another tool in your toolbox or another club in your golf bag. I just went golfing with my husband on on Monday, so I'll go ahead and toss that one in. But no, just to speed things up and make it a little bit more efficient.

And the the last thing that came through - just a reminder that this is being recorded and will be sent out to everyone post-webinar.

Yes, absolutely. You guys will get an email probably tomorrow morning sometime. Once we get time to take this down and let it buffer for a little bit, we'll shoot that out. It will be available on our blog as well in our resource section. So if you navigate to Eduplanet21's website and go up to the resources, there is a section there for webinars. You'll have the recording there as well as a transcript, if that's a little bit easier for you.

Again, guys, take a look at that chat window. Our team did go ahead and put in the release notes as well. So I can't stress that enough! You can also find that in our Knowledge Base. So if you're in Eduplanet, and you navigate up to the top to the help section, you'll see our Knowledge Base. It's basically full of those self-help articles to be able to assist you in any way. Our Customer Care team, shout out to just for those of you on the line, I know she's very popular,  we get a lot of great feedback. Jess does an amazing job with keeping that updated with images and little videos along the way, etc. So you can definitely check that out.

We definitely want to hear feedback! I think that's the other big thing. Any feedback you have, just submit as tickets, write up an email, put it in Google, Doc, and share it with us, you know, via the help desk and Jess knows what to do with it. We'll be in contact if we need more information. But yeah, definitely, any feedback you have or any questions or ideas. Just please get it to us. That being said, I think, kind of the last slide here, we'll kind of transition over...oops, sorry!
One more update. Sorry, I forgot about this one for a second. This is really important. Those of you that are on the line, If you are currently a PLUS Professional Learning Institute subscriber, we do have a new institute getting ready to come out. You heard me talk a little bit about Curriculum Storyboards, and maybe you're not using that right now, It's totally fine, but it is becoming a more and more popular framework. I just wanted to put a little bug in your ear that we do have a Curriculum Storyboards Institute coming out here this spring. We're looking to have it out next month. It's in its final stages of development. Now it's going to walk you and your team through, "How do we create these storyboards?" "How do we create a more learner centered curriculum?" So I think that's going to be something that's critical.

If you are not currently using our PLUS Professional Learning Institutes, I highly highly recommend that. Not just for curriculum storyboards, but if you are interested in things like Understanding by Design. Maybe you're on the line, and your team hasn't started writing yet -  It's a really really great course for you to go through. They're asynchronous. You move through them at your own speed. As a school or district, you can also personalize these courses, so you can add in your own videos or your own discussions, you can have different cohorts for elementary or secondary or different departments. So again, talk to your CSM if this is something that you might be interested in. I just wanted to put a bug in everyone's ear while we've got you on the line that we will have that new release coming out here, again next month.

Last, but not least, here.

If you want to give it a go. It, is oh, gosh! It's almost April, it is flying this year. We are definitely feeling it here at Eduplanet. Things have been very, very busy. A lot of you are scheduling PD days, training sessions... we love every second of it. If you are ready to go ahead and flip that switch, and you want to play around with AI-Assisted Editing, we can do that for you very, very quickly.

All we're gonna ask is that if you are a current customer, please just reach out to your CSM. Or, you can go ahead and drop a ticket into Customer Care as well. You can do that right from within the platform, and we will get that turned on for you. Please just specify to us whether you want it turned on everywhere or specific sections only, and we might come back to you with a few questions, just to make sure that we're doing it as you wish.

I would also say, though there are a few people on the line that are new to Eduplanet. Either you haven't gotten started yet, you just came on board, or you're thinking about taking on Eduplanet. Also, feel free to reach out to our sales team if you just want to learn a little bit more, or you want to see a more in-depth demo of how the AI might work. That's definitely an opportunity for you as well.
Anything else you want to add?
No, as Kelsey mentioned, once a quarter, we'll do these updates. So expect another one towards the end of June, early July.

Awesome. Alright, guys, we're excited about this one. So again, please give us your feedback. We want to keep making this better and better for you. If you're noticing any funkiness, or 'hey, this didn't work as well as I expected', or 'hey, this work better than I expected!' Please let us know the good, the bad, and the ugly. We really appreciate any feedback, and that helps make us better.

That being said, we're gonna let you guys go. Hope you have a great rest of the day, a great rest of the week. We're in Pennsylvania, it is beautiful, sunshine, and I think a high of 65 today. So we're gonna definitely take advantage of that and hope everyone has a great rest of the week.

Alright, guys, take care. Thank you. Everybody. Bye, bye.