February 24, 2016

Backwards Design Curriculum Planner Acquired by Eduplanet21

Educational Technology Company Eduplanet21 expands its digital platform of professional learning resources through the acquisition of backwards design software planner, Unit Planner and the expertise of Jay McTighe.

Eduplanet21 announces its acquisition of the Understanding by Design® (UBD) software platform, Unit Planner, and welcomes UBD’s co-author, Jay McTighe as an Educational Consultant to their software design team. This collaboration will provide educators with a robust set of resources to design units and further enhance professional learning by utilizing backwards design.


“Taking the next step in our product roadmap through this acquisition makes the connection between curriculum design and professional learning very powerful,” says Jeff Colosimo, CEO of Eduplanet21.


The UBD Planner is a unit-design tool based on the renowned work of co-authors, Jay McTighe and the late Grant Wiggins. UBD Planner enables educators to easily create, view and share high-quality units that align learning goals, assessments and instructional strategies by following a backwards design approach.


The future of Eduplanet21 brightly shines on a development team that will include Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Jay McTighe, and Bena Kallick. In addition to UBD Planner for units, the team is developing Curriculum Mapping 3.0 software to support both a K-12 ‘macro’ curriculum design as well as a micro personalized mapping for individual students. Together, they are poised to provide great resources for contemporary learning delivered within a platform designed by the skillful Eduplanet21 development team.


“Quite simply, the Eduplanet21 UBD Planner is the best software product to support Understanding by Design.” says McTighe. “I am excited to work with the Eduplanet21 team to move forward with the vision that I share for the future of UBD.”


As we begin to integrate the Unit Planner software with the existing Eduplanet21 software, we direct users to log in to Unit Planner via www.eduplanet21.com. On a computer, users select the Log In button – located in the upper right hand corner of your screen. A new tab will open prompting users for their username and password.