April 11, 2016

Six Resources to Infuse Curriculum with Global Content

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills, a leading advocacy organization of educators and business, community, and government leaders, has identified global awareness as a core skill that all students need to acquire. The Partnership defines global awareness as the ability to understand global issues, learn from and work collaboratively with individuals representing diverse cultures, religions and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue in personal, work and community contexts, understand other nations and cultures, including non-English learners.


In an increasing interconnected world, today’s youth need to learn to engage in communication with people from a wide range of different cultures and traditions, as well have the flexibility to see the world through other’s eyes.


In its 2007 document, “Global Awareness and Education:  America’s Test for the 21st  Century”, Apple, Inc sees that business and government have moved into a global community, but education is lagging.  As stated in the document, “……,today’s students need to learn not only to collaborate and operate effectively within their own borders, but across borders and cultures. This requires new skills and competencies not commonly taught in U.S. primary and secondary schools.”


So how can educators begin to infuse their curriculum with global content, issues and ideas? Continue learning with the following:

1) Eduplanet21 Learning Path: The Globally Connected Educator

This Learning Path will guide you through the process of modernizing and globalizing your classroom practices while expanding your professional learning network to include colleagues from around the world.

2) Partnership for 21st Century Skills

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills provides a framework for 21st Century Learning. Together, P21 believes that all learners can acquire the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a world where change is constant and learning never stops.

3) Newspaper Map

Read newspapers from around the world with Newspaper Map. Learners can read in the host country language or have papers translated to English. Learn about global events, enhance foreign language learning and more with Newspaper Map.

4) 100 People: A World Portrait

Get involved with 100 People to achieve their mission to find 100 people that represent the other 7 billion of us. 100 People provides the curriculum needed for teachers to enhance students learning about their community and to nominate inspiring individuals.

5) Curriculum 21 Clearinghouse

The Curriculum 21 Clearninghouse provides teachers with over 700 resources regarding topics from global education, professional development and curriculum mapping. The Curriculum 21 Clearinghouse also features the works of Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs.

6) World Digital Library

The World Digital Library makes it possible to discover, study, and enjoy cultural treasures through books, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, journals, prints and photographs, sound recordings, and films.