July 1, 2020

IDEA Webinar – Virtual Curriculum Design with Jay McTighe: Timely Units for COVID-19

Curriculum can be a living and breathing opportunity for taking advantage of teachable moments on very relevant topics.  And, surely, COVID19 is such a moment. In this webinar, presented in partnership with IDEA, Jay McTighe, co-author of Understanding by Design (UbD) ® walked through the rich curriculum units, one in science and one in social studies, that he and his colleagues designed using Eduplanet21’s Unit Planner. The units feature timely resources not available in textbooks. These units show the power of collaborative planning which is so easily facilitated virtually in Unit Planner.


Visit this page to learn more about Eduplanet21's Unit Planner. For information on the UbD Professional Learning Institute, visit the Overview Page.

The units referenced in this presentation as well as two additional resources are available below.

Jay McTighe – Covid Units

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